Capitol Technology University: NCCER for Credit
NCCER and Capitol Technology University have a Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) reviewed and approved agreement for NCCER credential completers to have their credential evaluated for technical elective credit. The number of technical elective credit hours from NCCER programs may not exceed 42 credits. Students from accredited 2-year or 4-year institutions may transfer additional credits. However, a maximum of 70 credits can be transferred from a combination of NCCER and 2-year institutions. A minimum of 30 credit hours must be completed from Capitol Technology University to obtain any
baccalaureate degree regardless of the total amount of credit transferred in towards the degree.
For more, visit captech.edu or email admissions@captechu.edu
FULL DETAILS: NCCER Credits at Capitol Tech
For all NCCER Certifications, one (1) semester hour of credit will be awarded for a minimum of fifteen (15) hours of NCCER approved training where each hour is composed of fifty (50) minutes of actual class time, exclusive of registration, study days, and holidays, when supervision is assured and learning is documented. One (1) semester hour of credit will also be awarded for a minimum of thirty (30) hours of NCCER approved training where each hour is composed fifty (50) minutes each of supervised laboratory time, exclusive of registration, study days, and holidays, when supervision is assured and learning is documented.